Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Astrological Predictions

Astrological Predictions

Opinions about astrological prediction are generally divided. In fact, both views are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of how astrology really works.
Though it may come as a surprise to the true believer many astrologers believe that   astrology cannot make precise predictions about your future although  astrology can indeed reveal the tendencies of your future.
If an astrologer tells you that next Tuesday you will be walking down the street, and will accidentally trip and fall, breaking your left wrist as it cracks against a fire hydrant, that would be a pretty precise prediction, wouldn't it. But no astrologer ever makes predictions  like that. More likely, an astrologer would say: There is some danger of having an accident next Tuesday; try to be more careful than usual. This is of course not a precise prediction, but rather a statement, based on certain astrological techniques, about an increased probability of a certain type of event occurring. This is the true strength of astrology: not to tell you what is going to happen (since that is beyond its capabilities), but rather, to inform you about the probabilities of certain types of events occurring.
Astrology is not used to predict the future. It’s used to help you gain insight and understanding into the patterns and directions your life takes. It’s not an absolute, but it’s an indicator. If you don’t like what your astrological or natal charts tell you, it’s certainly within your power to change it. Astrology can give you insight into one potential destiny, but there are too many variables, including the decisions you make for yourself, to predict with any degree of accuracy what will happen in the future.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Astrology - The Study of Planetary Positions

Astrology is the study of planetary position to determine the course of things ahead in life as well as event and details concerning past life or karma.

Astrology is the study of planetary position to determine the course of things ahead in life as well as event and details concerning past life or karma.  The earliest recording or sign of astrology was found in the 3rd millennium BC. Astrology has over the course of time, influenced culture, early astronomy and other disciplines.

Astrology uses two ways of predicting the future – one is astrological transits and the other is astrological progressions. It is important to understand how both play, in the way a horoscope is read out and predications made. Astrological transits look into the movement of planets and the impact of such movements in space and n personal horoscope. Astrological progressions use a set of methods to determine how a horoscope ha s moved forward in time.  Now-a-days, astrologers no longer predict actual events.  Instead what they do is bring out various general astrological events in order to have better results and give importance to arbitrary and unrelated events.

There are three main astrological traditions. These are Vedic astrology, Western astrology and Chinese astrology. Vedic and western astrology make use of an astrological chart or horoscope and make their prediction using the position of the Sun, Moon, and planets. However, the point of difference between Vedic and Western astrology is in the linking of zodiac signs to their original constellations, which while is a feature not present in western astrology, but is considered of paramount importance in Vedic astrology.  The chief characteristic of Vedic astrology is in it’s use of nakshatras or lunar mansion and planetary periods known as dashas in future predictions.

Chinese astrology uses a means that is very different from Vedic and western astrology. Instead of diving zodiac signs according to the sky, they are divided according to the celestial equator. Every zodiac sign here stands for a year and the sign is combined with a system that uses the five elements of Chinese cosmology to give a 60 (12 x 5) year cycle. Chinese astrology is a method not just used in China, it is used in m many Asian countries.

Now, the question is – can the future be predicted by astrology? Yes to some extent. Astrology, though considered by many scientific thinkers as some sort of superstition, is actually a science because there is considerable study that goes into making each prediction. Reliable astrologers have been able to bring out future influences to accuracy, but accuracy also depends upon providing correct information and doing knowledgeable calculations. Of the many forms of astrological methods available nadi jyosiam is considered to be highly accurate as it is based on readings of past life taken from leave available in Videesvaran temple in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.
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